mowg Causes

We are in constant need of clothes, beddings, shoes, sanitary pads, soap, sanitizers and all other personal use or domestic products for the well being of our poor orphans and widows. If you have anything old, used or if you can make a monetary donation we will appreciate
TARGET:$1000 RAISED:$510

MOWG over a long period of time since it commenced has had a plan to own its own school to monitor and equip our students well with a holistic approach. In our plan as detailed the school estate may be our permanent home including the offices, church and orphanage. Please click read on to get all details ..OPEN PROPOSAL
TARGET:$150,000 RAISED:$612

MOWG Populate the content and send me images to put on this activity give it a budget and what you have already got as indicated. One Brief Paragraph and a Photo
TARGET:$100,00 RAISED:$89

MOWG Populate the content and send me images to put on this activity give it a budget and what you have already got as indicated. One Brief Paragraph and a Photo
TARGET:$980,00 RAISED:$566,00

MOWG Populate the content and send me images to put on this activity give it a budget and what you have already got as indicated. One Brief Paragraph and a Photo

MOWG Populate the content and send me images to put on this activity give it a budget and what you have already got as indicated. One Brief Paragraph and a Photo
TARGET:$980,00 RAISED:$566,00