TARGET:WIDOWs ORpans and the youth

From Time To Time we have to provide these and other personal use items to our people and even the extended community. Please do not throw away or dispose what what is old or you are not using, give it to our community and it will improve a persons life.
RAISED:$ 160

MOWG always enlists its students in private schools and most of the time the poor students are sent home for fee balances. We plan to have our own school to be able to monitor and educate these orphans and make their future secure in a christian school.
RAISED:$ 3,600

Mutungo Orphans And Widows group has several students who need sponsorship. These are children to the widows and some are completely parentless after losing both parents. We take care of all their basic needs and call on able sponsors to help us pick a child and sponsor them.

Rev.Fr Bernard Mayelle is the Founder of Mutungo Orphans and Widows Group. A Priest of Legio Maria of African Church Mission and a Professionl Network Specialist. He had a Calling to passionately help these orphans and widows in Mutungo Slums and expand to the whole region.
Mr Golday Onen is a Co-founder of Mutungo Orphans and Widows Group. He is a Lecturer and Professional Designer and Obedient Servant of the Lord. Whos professional input into actualization of the group projects rely on. .
Mrs Abwono Jane is a Marketing and Business Administrator. She is a born Again Christian and dedicated staff of MOWG. Her administrative expertise has made it easy for MOWG to be organized in all its operations, meetings and events